ohh, last week , i told youguys about sleeepover thingy at shela's place. this is what we have done during sleepover. enjoy :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
not interested any guys =(
yes, so fucked up. not interested any guys. maybe im turn into lesbian, or bisexual indeed. dah bye.
no more story life
perit je hati bila nak blog pasal benda ni. tapi sini jela yang paham i. bila hati dah hancur berkecai. mungkin semua kawan faham and mengerti semua masalah i dan ada jugak memberi support. well thank you so much. but tak kesemuannya akan memahami. i berharap jugak yang 'sidia' akan faham isi hati i. tapi terpulang la ye.
bila hidup sorang2 tanpa teman hidup setelah tinggalkan i, rasa macam kucar kacir je hidup. rasa macam sunyi je hidup. but doesnt mean i cant breath without 'him' . susah kot, setahun dua bulan masa yang agak lama. bila family dah kenal each other, bila dah berkongsi kasih sayang suma, dengan kenangan masa silam. peritttttt :(
sekarang, biar jelas nyata kat sini yang i betul tade afrokid dalam hidup. semua tu dah tinggal kebelakang, atas dasar keputusan i sendiri, sakit atau frustrated camne pun, ini adalah terbaik. ini untuk kebaikan masing2. dengan nama tuhan sebelum ni, tak pernah sekali pun i rasa nak cari laki lain, untuk dipasangkan, untuk diduakan. berkoba2 diri untuk menjaga hati, sanggup luka hati diri sendiri untuk kepentingan dia, menegakkan dia sebagai teman hidup. tapi apa yang dia balas? boleh la dia kata cinta, boleh la dia kata sayang, tapi hati ? tak cukup pada satu.
pernah diberitahu aku menjadi teman dia hanya la untuk bebankan dia. aku menyusahkan dia, aku tak beri kerjasama. bila benda macam ni dah berlaku, mula lah cari kesalahan aku. mula dia maki hamun aku. tapi ape boleh buat, aku tetap sayang. *aku maafkan dia* aku kusut bile memikir ape salah aku bila sanggup tinggalkan aku semata2 untuk orang lain.
disini, aku bukan meraih simpati atau apa sekali pun, tapi susah untuk melihat orang yang paling aku sayang pergi dan berseronok. aku berdoa sangat sangat agar kau bahagia dengan ape keputusan kau buat.
bila hidup sorang2 tanpa teman hidup setelah tinggalkan i, rasa macam kucar kacir je hidup. rasa macam sunyi je hidup. but doesnt mean i cant breath without 'him' . susah kot, setahun dua bulan masa yang agak lama. bila family dah kenal each other, bila dah berkongsi kasih sayang suma, dengan kenangan masa silam. peritttttt :(
sekarang, biar jelas nyata kat sini yang i betul tade afrokid dalam hidup. semua tu dah tinggal kebelakang, atas dasar keputusan i sendiri, sakit atau frustrated camne pun, ini adalah terbaik. ini untuk kebaikan masing2. dengan nama tuhan sebelum ni, tak pernah sekali pun i rasa nak cari laki lain, untuk dipasangkan, untuk diduakan. berkoba2 diri untuk menjaga hati, sanggup luka hati diri sendiri untuk kepentingan dia, menegakkan dia sebagai teman hidup. tapi apa yang dia balas? boleh la dia kata cinta, boleh la dia kata sayang, tapi hati ? tak cukup pada satu.
pernah diberitahu aku menjadi teman dia hanya la untuk bebankan dia. aku menyusahkan dia, aku tak beri kerjasama. bila benda macam ni dah berlaku, mula lah cari kesalahan aku. mula dia maki hamun aku. tapi ape boleh buat, aku tetap sayang. *aku maafkan dia* aku kusut bile memikir ape salah aku bila sanggup tinggalkan aku semata2 untuk orang lain.
disini, aku bukan meraih simpati atau apa sekali pun, tapi susah untuk melihat orang yang paling aku sayang pergi dan berseronok. aku berdoa sangat sangat agar kau bahagia dengan ape keputusan kau buat.
*no more love, no more fight, no more laugh, no more cry, no more tarik janggut (quite funny, but i did to him), no more rossi, no more superbike, no more his hair, last but not least, no more AFROKID :( i still syg dia. may god bless him. amin~*
thank you.
start from today, yes i open with new chapter and close for old chapter. i have no boyfriend. he dumped me. okay, im not telling about details. but may god bless him with his new girl. happy ? tuhan je la tau bile rasa kena tipu. sedih ? tidak jugak. i have my friends for always support me, i have my own family.
cakap pasal family plak, ohh my dad made his decision to marry with new girl. best en ? fakofff la. asal la laki camni *chill fiqa*. tak marah mana pun, but hey may god bless bless you both. afrokid, papa. thanks for everything okay. *smile*
cakap pasal family plak, ohh my dad made his decision to marry with new girl. best en ? fakofff la. asal la laki camni *chill fiqa*. tak marah mana pun, but hey may god bless bless you both. afrokid, papa. thanks for everything okay. *smile*
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
vacation =p
this is our plan. with who? let me story first. tengah dok tengok my lil brother play his guitar jap lagi datang plak message.
*from ashela;
b, 22december ni free tak ?
fiqa : why b?
ashela: ingatkan nak ajak you pegi kuantan. abah ade meeting kat sana. kite pergi on monday and back on wednesday. plus you boleh rileks and hilangkan masalah you dengan airis.
*terharu gile time tu. sebab she knows that i've problems.thanks ashela. i love you so much.*
fiqa: okay let me ask papa first okay :)
*text papa;
papa, ingat tak masa kawan angah ajak tido kat bangi tuh, parents dia ajak pegi kuantan on 22 dec. can i follow them pa ?
papa: for what sayang? please ask shela's mom to call papa okay.
fiqa: cun tadehal.
*text shela;
syg, can you ask ibu to call papa *give papa's number* papa tak percaya kot yang i nak ikut you pi holiday. HAHAHA.
Ashela : ohh okay nanti ibu call. crdt ibu tade ni. yeah
*then we gossip about secret things.this is our secret. im sorry. im not telling.
*text papa;
Papa, nanti mak ashela call sbb crdt dia tada katanyaaa.
papa : okay, kang pegi sana papa kasi rm10 je okay?
fiqa : alaa, rm10 makan kat tepi highway, patu dah habis. kat sana kang makan pasir. :(
*padahal pikir duit rokok sume en. hahahaha, tak klaka.
papa : okay, papa upkan another 5bucks.HAHAHAHA
amboi gelak besar orang tua ni. HAHAA.but i love you daddy.
text shela;
syg, i rasa i dapat pegi kot. papa macam kasi greenlight je, haha. confident lebeh. and we continue our secret things. hihihi.
*from ashela;
b, 22december ni free tak ?
fiqa : why b?
ashela: ingatkan nak ajak you pegi kuantan. abah ade meeting kat sana. kite pergi on monday and back on wednesday. plus you boleh rileks and hilangkan masalah you dengan airis.
*terharu gile time tu. sebab she knows that i've problems.thanks ashela. i love you so much.*
fiqa: okay let me ask papa first okay :)
*text papa;
papa, ingat tak masa kawan angah ajak tido kat bangi tuh, parents dia ajak pegi kuantan on 22 dec. can i follow them pa ?
papa: for what sayang? please ask shela's mom to call papa okay.
fiqa: cun tadehal.
*text shela;
syg, can you ask ibu to call papa *give papa's number* papa tak percaya kot yang i nak ikut you pi holiday. HAHAHA.
Ashela : ohh okay nanti ibu call. crdt ibu tade ni. yeah
*then we gossip about secret things.this is our secret. im sorry. im not telling.
*text papa;
Papa, nanti mak ashela call sbb crdt dia tada katanyaaa.
papa : okay, kang pegi sana papa kasi rm10 je okay?
fiqa : alaa, rm10 makan kat tepi highway, patu dah habis. kat sana kang makan pasir. :(
*padahal pikir duit rokok sume en. hahahaha, tak klaka.
papa : okay, papa upkan another 5bucks.HAHAHAHA
amboi gelak besar orang tua ni. HAHAA.but i love you daddy.
text shela;
syg, i rasa i dapat pegi kot. papa macam kasi greenlight je, haha. confident lebeh. and we continue our secret things. hihihi.
para mabuk yang handal
cerita ini bukan la rekaan semata2, i ni adalah kebenaran dan teliti cerita ini sebab agak takut gak la dengar en. ni asalnya cerita dari paparock tersayang. nak or tanak percaya, terpulang la.
papa said his friends was dead yesterday morning. dia kata kelmarin papa pegi hard rock bersama kawan2 dia. ala biasa la en, hidup orang dewasa, party habis laaa. HAHA. minum2 air mahal tuh *ish ish ish* jap lagi selesai sudah party tu dengan segala mabuk baik punyaa, one of papa's friends like drunk gile babi la en, plus he's drive. he's alone. so he tak larat tu drive his car, he sleep in his car.
yesterday morning papa got the news from other friends that papa's friends who drunk yesterday is dead. why? because he have no oxygen. okay lemme explain this, dia tak bukak, enjin terbukak, aircond jugak terbukak. bila dah drunk, he need more oxygen to breath. Allah love him more. pray hard for allahyarham~
moral of the story is, tak kisah pun kalau nak jadi pemabuk terhandal kat malaysia, just make sure to be safe always, and better stop for your sake. just love yourself and please prepare something if you want to get drunk. this is not joke , i am serious. seelok2nya suruh sesiapa perhatikan kamu jika hendak mabuk okay :)
papa said his friends was dead yesterday morning. dia kata kelmarin papa pegi hard rock bersama kawan2 dia. ala biasa la en, hidup orang dewasa, party habis laaa. HAHA. minum2 air mahal tuh *ish ish ish* jap lagi selesai sudah party tu dengan segala mabuk baik punyaa, one of papa's friends like drunk gile babi la en, plus he's drive. he's alone. so he tak larat tu drive his car, he sleep in his car.
yesterday morning papa got the news from other friends that papa's friends who drunk yesterday is dead. why? because he have no oxygen. okay lemme explain this, dia tak bukak, enjin terbukak, aircond jugak terbukak. bila dah drunk, he need more oxygen to breath. Allah love him more. pray hard for allahyarham~
moral of the story is, tak kisah pun kalau nak jadi pemabuk terhandal kat malaysia, just make sure to be safe always, and better stop for your sake. just love yourself and please prepare something if you want to get drunk. this is not joke , i am serious. seelok2nya suruh sesiapa perhatikan kamu jika hendak mabuk okay :)
i dont have any boyfriend, get it?
terkejut en? benda aku sendiri yang buat keputusan. reasons ? tak perlu la kemukakan sebab tapi ini atas dasar pihak ketiga. dia lebih memilih pihak ketiga, so i just let him go. oh orang kate, eleh nanti 2 or 3 hari lagi couple balik. itu orang cakap la. dulu boleh macam tuh, sayang punya pasal en. tapi for real, this time im not accept him anymore. this is my decision.
rasa diperbodohkan bila kena tipu, bila dipermainkan dia rasa dia bagus plus dia rasa dia tak cukup satu perempuan. aku seperti lurus bendul ikut arahan ikut telunjuk dia, jadi cam bodo bile aku dengar je cakap dia sampai tanak kasi dia sakit hati, well ini tindakan paling bodoh aku penah korbankan untuk laki.
dulu, aku boleh kasi muka dekat kau sebab aku rasa aku tabole hidup tanpa kau, aku rasa aku dah tabole sayang orang lain. sebab tu kau rasa diri kau bagus sampai kau boleh kuasa diri aku segala ape yang aku buat, semua kau yang tentukan, Mulai dari saat ni, aku bebas buat ape2 dan aku tade kena mengena dengan kau. aku dah cakap, no more chances after kau buat hal lepas ni. now you're free afrokid. kau bebas hidup dengan pihak ketiga kau tuh. aku dah takkan ade kena mengena. aku terlalu bodoh, sanggup sakit hati sebab kau. aku silap. kau pergi, dan aku takkan terima kau lagi okay?
rasa diperbodohkan bila kena tipu, bila dipermainkan dia rasa dia bagus plus dia rasa dia tak cukup satu perempuan. aku seperti lurus bendul ikut arahan ikut telunjuk dia, jadi cam bodo bile aku dengar je cakap dia sampai tanak kasi dia sakit hati, well ini tindakan paling bodoh aku penah korbankan untuk laki.
dulu, aku boleh kasi muka dekat kau sebab aku rasa aku tabole hidup tanpa kau, aku rasa aku dah tabole sayang orang lain. sebab tu kau rasa diri kau bagus sampai kau boleh kuasa diri aku segala ape yang aku buat, semua kau yang tentukan, Mulai dari saat ni, aku bebas buat ape2 dan aku tade kena mengena dengan kau. aku dah cakap, no more chances after kau buat hal lepas ni. now you're free afrokid. kau bebas hidup dengan pihak ketiga kau tuh. aku dah takkan ade kena mengena. aku terlalu bodoh, sanggup sakit hati sebab kau. aku silap. kau pergi, dan aku takkan terima kau lagi okay?
Monday, December 15, 2008
i miss my zaman purba ;p
conclusion is, this is my old days and i miss that so strong. if i have chance to come back school, i will do so. aku rindu koop, kantin, library and toilet aswell. sume la aku rindu :(
Sunday, December 14, 2008
fallin love, oh (:

*Be my sugardaddy jom. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA ;))
1 year 2 months anniversarry
i almost forgot for this entry. this is so important to me. and it shows to everyone how much i love him. HAHAHA,* jewang gilerrr do ;)
*Happy OneYearTwoMonths Anniversarry*
To azeem yasmin, i dont have any ways to show you that i love you. i sastify with my own ways, even you told me that im just give you a burden(s). so im sorry, im apprieciate what you have told me.Oh crap, azeem yasmin is afrokid. dont ask me again. im still with him and I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND :)
To azeem yasmin, i dont have any ways to show you that i love you. i sastify with my own ways, even you told me that im just give you a burden(s). so im sorry, im apprieciate what you have told me.Oh crap, azeem yasmin is afrokid. dont ask me again. im still with him and I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND :)
i dont really understand what happen to this one girl, she always read my blog and i know tak salah, but hey, i dont even know you. where are you from. you came into me and my boyfriend's life, and texted my boyfriend like hello, get your own life. boyfriend aku asyik marah aku pasal kau. kau buat ape kat dia? and i dont understand exactly whats the fucking point are you to read my blog? do you have your own life ? aku benci kau seriously sebab aku penah break dengan boyfriend aku pasal kau. well, please move your ass and stay away from my boyfriend. to my boyfriend, i dapat tau something from youguys, you dengan pompuan tuh aku bunuh. aku cakap betul.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
tamparan hebat
*apepun, cerita ini tiada kena mengena yang hidup atau yang mati. ini adalah fakta yang hendak dibincangkan dan tidak ada yang melibatkan sesiapa selain diri fiqa sendiri. harap maklum.
ni yang aku terfikir sejenak bile insan tersayang tak suka certain things yang aku buat. Pssst, i dapat balik afrokid i. hihihihi. well, ade certain things aku rasa aku nak berubah bile pikir aku ni dah besar. iyela, ape yang afro cakap kat aku sebenarnya semuanya betul. tapi tak kesemuanya lah. camni la biar aku kasitau sini.
banyak kali laaa afrokid tanya aku, ape yang aku buat dekat luar sana bile tiap sabtu je mesti kluaaaa. mesti kluaa. first mesti la aku macam nak pertahankan diri macam bagi dia aku klua just nak popular nak hot, nak kasitau satu dunia la yang aku ada kawan2 dekat situ ade kawan ramai suma . dia pun jenis tak suka. tapi itu bukan tujuan aku sebenarnya. aku dari dulu suka buat strategi sebelum apepun benda yang aku lakukan. contohnya, aku hendak kluaa sabtu ni dengan ashela tyka virginie, amoi sume. dari aku bertolak ke rumah, sampai aku pulang dari hangout dengan kawan2 aku, bererti aku ingin seronok bersama dengan kawan2 aku.
tidak dinafikan lagi la, bahawa kalau kite kluaa je, nampak budak2 bajet hot berkeliaran sana sini, bajet cantik bajet handsome sume, tapi itu life dorang and nothing with me. cuma aku kesian la tengok fenomena sekarang ni, hidup umpama nak tunjuk satu dunia yang dia itu adalah terbaik . well , ape dah jadi skarang eh ?
afrokid membuat aku terpikir bila aku kluaa hanyaa buangkan duit tiap2 minggu dengan tambang, rokok, makanan, sisha, ape2 barang la yang aku beli tiap2 minggu. aku disedarkan yang aku bukannya dari keluarga yang berada. tapi itulaaa, bila aku terpikir balik , macam budak2 je kluaaa . aku cuba cari jalan penyelasaian. tapi sekarang dalam prosesan sedang memikir. aku akan berubah di mase yang kelak, bagi kebaikan sume kerana aku tidak mahu memburukkan diri aku lagi dari pandangan mata masyarakat.
ni yang aku terfikir sejenak bile insan tersayang tak suka certain things yang aku buat. Pssst, i dapat balik afrokid i. hihihihi. well, ade certain things aku rasa aku nak berubah bile pikir aku ni dah besar. iyela, ape yang afro cakap kat aku sebenarnya semuanya betul. tapi tak kesemuanya lah. camni la biar aku kasitau sini.
banyak kali laaa afrokid tanya aku, ape yang aku buat dekat luar sana bile tiap sabtu je mesti kluaaaa. mesti kluaa. first mesti la aku macam nak pertahankan diri macam bagi dia aku klua just nak popular nak hot, nak kasitau satu dunia la yang aku ada kawan2 dekat situ ade kawan ramai suma . dia pun jenis tak suka. tapi itu bukan tujuan aku sebenarnya. aku dari dulu suka buat strategi sebelum apepun benda yang aku lakukan. contohnya, aku hendak kluaa sabtu ni dengan ashela tyka virginie, amoi sume. dari aku bertolak ke rumah, sampai aku pulang dari hangout dengan kawan2 aku, bererti aku ingin seronok bersama dengan kawan2 aku.
tidak dinafikan lagi la, bahawa kalau kite kluaa je, nampak budak2 bajet hot berkeliaran sana sini, bajet cantik bajet handsome sume, tapi itu life dorang and nothing with me. cuma aku kesian la tengok fenomena sekarang ni, hidup umpama nak tunjuk satu dunia yang dia itu adalah terbaik . well , ape dah jadi skarang eh ?
afrokid membuat aku terpikir bila aku kluaa hanyaa buangkan duit tiap2 minggu dengan tambang, rokok, makanan, sisha, ape2 barang la yang aku beli tiap2 minggu. aku disedarkan yang aku bukannya dari keluarga yang berada. tapi itulaaa, bila aku terpikir balik , macam budak2 je kluaaa . aku cuba cari jalan penyelasaian. tapi sekarang dalam prosesan sedang memikir. aku akan berubah di mase yang kelak, bagi kebaikan sume kerana aku tidak mahu memburukkan diri aku lagi dari pandangan mata masyarakat.
best en aku mencarut, tapi ini sume apa yang tesimpan dalam hati :)
selamat hari raya aidiladha
7.45pm ; bila dengar takbir raya, sedih do hati. baru teringat esok nak raya. but most of all, i will like take this apportunity to say that Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha for all muslims. have a blast raya. and tatap la muka lembu korang arini puas2 yeah :)
actually tak rasa ape pun raya tahun ni. sama je macam tahun2 sebelum ni. tapi tulaa, mama masak nasi minyak for sedara2 sume. hihi.here the list. things i should do. pffftttt -_______-
*Kemas rumah
*Gosok baju raya. should i ?
* tolong mama masak
HAHA, JERKKK. supposed to do something else. but hey, i dont care. later peeps :)
actually tak rasa ape pun raya tahun ni. sama je macam tahun2 sebelum ni. tapi tulaa, mama masak nasi minyak for sedara2 sume. hihi.here the list. things i should do. pffftttt -_______-
*Kemas rumah
*Gosok baju raya. should i ?
* tolong mama masak
HAHA, JERKKK. supposed to do something else. but hey, i dont care. later peeps :)
cant wait
hihihi, this is my activity for this wednesday. 10december 08, im off to bangi stay for couple of days at ashela's place. this is her special request or punishment for not attend her makan2. so yeah, i will face it . so i hope i really have fun with ashela, his brother izzat, ibu and her father. furthermore, i will hangout with ashela and others the same day. i hope i can meet youguys there. ohh im going out to bb or pavillion alright :)
*fiqa :)
*fiqa :)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
special for Ashela :)
first of all, i am sorry for the things i've done. im not a good sister to taking care of you, to give you full attention, to meet you, Everything ashela everything. i am sorry.
i am sorry for not attended your makan makan at your place. rushing kot i. from mallaca, i kena naik bas, try cari ticket yang paling awal, tapi sume pukul 5. my sister punya exam pun habis lambat, then hujan lagi. i wanted to call you, but im afraid :( i tau you marah dekat i. tak reply message. but you have right to do so. serious im sorry. i sampai kl pukul 8 dengan puduraya jam. i mintak maaf sangat2. i nak jumpa ibu sekali. please say sorry to ibu. i break my promise. im sorry im sorry, im sorry. please forgive me :(
i am sorry for not attended your makan makan at your place. rushing kot i. from mallaca, i kena naik bas, try cari ticket yang paling awal, tapi sume pukul 5. my sister punya exam pun habis lambat, then hujan lagi. i wanted to call you, but im afraid :( i tau you marah dekat i. tak reply message. but you have right to do so. serious im sorry. i sampai kl pukul 8 dengan puduraya jam. i mintak maaf sangat2. i nak jumpa ibu sekali. please say sorry to ibu. i break my promise. im sorry im sorry, im sorry. please forgive me :(
is it mean to give up?
How can I fight, if I don’t know what am I fighting for? How can I move on, if I don’t know what to leave behind? How can I say that it is over, if it is never started? How can I say I am hurting, if my heart is numb all over? How can I fight, if I don’t know the worth of fighting for? If it is useless, because everything seem so unfair? How can I move on, if I hesitate to step forward?
Instead, rather choose to hurt and stay behind.
Is it mean to give up? When the whole world is in the other side? Is it mean to give up? If others’ feel that, you will only hurt. Is it mean to give up? If the pain in your heart never stop? Is it mean to give up? Although in your heart, you know you can’t live without.
Instead, rather choose to hurt and stay behind.
Is it mean to give up? When the whole world is in the other side? Is it mean to give up? If others’ feel that, you will only hurt. Is it mean to give up? If the pain in your heart never stop? Is it mean to give up? Although in your heart, you know you can’t live without.
Afrokid :(
Afrokid :(
I am not crying because you said no. I am not crying because I feel used. I am not crying because I made a drunken mistake. But I am crying because of you!. I’m crying because I said some horrible things to you. I’m crying because I shouldn’t have ever told you. I’m crying because we have not spoken since. I’m crying because I miss you .But most of all the reason why I am crying. Is because before you were there to help me stop. But now you’re gone you’re not.And it makes me cry even more.
Aku nak dia balik :(
boleh tak aku nak afrokid balik ? boleh? aku rindu sangat kat dia do. dia tinggalkan aku dah :( asal haa, dia tinggalkan aku. asal dia tak stay je? asal haa ?
make it serious, seriously, i want him back. so much i want him back. please syg :( my world is nothing without you. i dah tatau ape lagi i nak buat. every single thing, mesti ade memory dengan you. kenapa you tinggalkan i ?
make it serious, seriously, i want him back. so much i want him back. please syg :( my world is nothing without you. i dah tatau ape lagi i nak buat. every single thing, mesti ade memory dengan you. kenapa you tinggalkan i ?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Last satuday
sabtu lepas agak best laa klua. i met some people, myspacers, new friends. agak best laaa.
this is yaya skyes from dejavu. at last, i met her. serious dia tinggi dari i. hello dia baru form 2 kot dah tinggi dari i. malu :(

Di suatu malam, bila nak dijadikan cerita, aku hisap rokok yang baru dibeli oleh afrokid di ruang tamu sambil menonton television. sesudah selesai, kembali ke kamar ~sleeeeeppppppppppppp -________________-
1.30PM esoknyaa...
Tengah ym ym dengan si ainol firdaus ni, tibatiba teringatkan sesuatu. ? ? ? ? ? ?
*bukak pintu bilik. papa tengah tido. tv tengok dia. bukan dia tengok tv.*
so aku pun cari la rokok kat atas meja, ade terselit dekat tepi botol sisha. fine pegi la amik that time. tapi sumpah mcm klaka gile kot. dah la jalan mcm nak mencuri, pastu, sanggup tawaf satu jalan yang jauh supaya tanak bagi papa sedar. and that time, amik rokok sama itu lighter.
part ni best skitt ......
aku kasi goyang itu kotak rokok, jap lagi dengar macam rokok tu ke kiri ke kanan. (celaka rokok tinggal skit kot). suddenly....
Papa : buat ape tu ngah?
Fiqa : amik rokok airis nih. abah ade hisap ke tadi?
Papa : ha'ah. *sambung tido*
so aku pun cari la rokok kat atas meja, ade terselit dekat tepi botol sisha. fine pegi la amik that time. tapi sumpah mcm klaka gile kot. dah la jalan mcm nak mencuri, pastu, sanggup tawaf satu jalan yang jauh supaya tanak bagi papa sedar. and that time, amik rokok sama itu lighter.
part ni best skitt ......
aku kasi goyang itu kotak rokok, jap lagi dengar macam rokok tu ke kiri ke kanan. (celaka rokok tinggal skit kot). suddenly....
Papa : buat ape tu ngah?
Fiqa : amik rokok airis nih. abah ade hisap ke tadi?
Papa : ha'ah. *sambung tido*
OKAY, IM HOT HERE. HAHAHA. siot betul papa boleh habiskan rokok aku. but its okay.
i love you dad ;pp
i love you dad ;pp
Friday, November 28, 2008
mana pergi mereka?





i miss youguys
* actually i miss 7b dorm pretty much*
ehem ehem, start 22november08, aku terpaksa kemas suma katil aku, loker aku, meja blaja aku and sedih kot, terpaksa tinggalkan semua tuh. rasa macam sedih gile kot. even texted meea semalam, she felt the same thing, she cried, she missed ohmygod. i miss ushie too. hp dia hilang. (grrr, asal tak contact aku pettt!)
first time datang unisel, memang agak menyirap, benci, tak suka, protes tanak duduk situ sume adelah. macam rasa nak balik rumah. tapi bile dah kenal each of my roomates and 5b roomates aswell, rasa macam tanak je balik even cuti sebulan. next sem kena duduk rumah sewa. bukan semua yang stay together :( mase 4 bulan ade dekat hostel unisel gak laa, mengajar aku macam2. jadi berani ( ade hantu plak dekat form tu), tak jadi mcm orang tak berguna sangat, tido lambat mana pun mesti bangun awal. macam2 kot blaja kat situ.
dalam dorm tuh, aku rindu kat katil aku for sure, kira kawasan aku dengan meea. tempat tu jugak *atas lantai* budak2 art and design buat project dorang tak kira la budak graphic or photography. we are stick together :( second place, dekat tangga. port segala port laa. HAHA. tak boleh dilupakan. port hisap rokok, port main guitar, port kalau orang tade mood lepak situ sorang2, port orang nanges, port bagi abu(kucing) makan, port conteng2 dingding, and last but not least, port mika toreh2 tangan. HAHAH. banyak kot kenangan kat situ. kalau ade masalah je, tangga tu jela tempat luahan hati. gile tabole blah.
tempat yang akan aku rindu gak, kat bilik air. aku ingat lagi first time aku hisap rokok dengan pet kat salah satu bilik air, sampaikan kiteorang mandi sesama, tebogel ke ape memang dah nampak semua. HAHAHA. tapenah la kalau tak mandi dengan dia, unless kalau schedule kiteorang tak same time. so terpaksa mandi sorang2 la. kiteroang isap rokok dalam bilik air pun 1 week masuk unisel je. patu dah tak hisap dah sebab kiteorang dianggap seru Hantu kot. macam dorang pun marah en. so kena hormat dorang :)
seterusnya, dekat azie's place. tempat situ la the one and only wireless laju nak mampos. kalau nak buat assignment ke, nak online ke, kena angkut sume laptop skali charger pi kat tempat dia. kiteroang gelarkan tu cc la. hahaha. sumpah kot rindu kat tempat tuh :)
kalau boleh aku nak listkan banyak lagi tempat2 tuh. tapi sumpah tade idea. aku rindukan dorang sume. budak2 dorm aku :( time puasa la paling best, buka puasa sesama. sahur sesama. ya allah, sumpah kot rindu :((
to ella safurra, im gonna miss you baby. aku tau aku banyak buat kau sakit hati, buat kau terasa, tapi aku tanak pisah dengan kau. keputusan kau nak benti dari unisel tuh, aku tak halang sbb kau lebih minat course nursing. nnt jangan lupa aku eh ella. aku sayang sangat dekat kau :)
ehem ehem, start 22november08, aku terpaksa kemas suma katil aku, loker aku, meja blaja aku and sedih kot, terpaksa tinggalkan semua tuh. rasa macam sedih gile kot. even texted meea semalam, she felt the same thing, she cried, she missed ohmygod. i miss ushie too. hp dia hilang. (grrr, asal tak contact aku pettt!)
first time datang unisel, memang agak menyirap, benci, tak suka, protes tanak duduk situ sume adelah. macam rasa nak balik rumah. tapi bile dah kenal each of my roomates and 5b roomates aswell, rasa macam tanak je balik even cuti sebulan. next sem kena duduk rumah sewa. bukan semua yang stay together :( mase 4 bulan ade dekat hostel unisel gak laa, mengajar aku macam2. jadi berani ( ade hantu plak dekat form tu), tak jadi mcm orang tak berguna sangat, tido lambat mana pun mesti bangun awal. macam2 kot blaja kat situ.
dalam dorm tuh, aku rindu kat katil aku for sure, kira kawasan aku dengan meea. tempat tu jugak *atas lantai* budak2 art and design buat project dorang tak kira la budak graphic or photography. we are stick together :( second place, dekat tangga. port segala port laa. HAHA. tak boleh dilupakan. port hisap rokok, port main guitar, port kalau orang tade mood lepak situ sorang2, port orang nanges, port bagi abu(kucing) makan, port conteng2 dingding, and last but not least, port mika toreh2 tangan. HAHAH. banyak kot kenangan kat situ. kalau ade masalah je, tangga tu jela tempat luahan hati. gile tabole blah.
tempat yang akan aku rindu gak, kat bilik air. aku ingat lagi first time aku hisap rokok dengan pet kat salah satu bilik air, sampaikan kiteorang mandi sesama, tebogel ke ape memang dah nampak semua. HAHAHA. tapenah la kalau tak mandi dengan dia, unless kalau schedule kiteorang tak same time. so terpaksa mandi sorang2 la. kiteroang isap rokok dalam bilik air pun 1 week masuk unisel je. patu dah tak hisap dah sebab kiteorang dianggap seru Hantu kot. macam dorang pun marah en. so kena hormat dorang :)
seterusnya, dekat azie's place. tempat situ la the one and only wireless laju nak mampos. kalau nak buat assignment ke, nak online ke, kena angkut sume laptop skali charger pi kat tempat dia. kiteroang gelarkan tu cc la. hahaha. sumpah kot rindu kat tempat tuh :)
kalau boleh aku nak listkan banyak lagi tempat2 tuh. tapi sumpah tade idea. aku rindukan dorang sume. budak2 dorm aku :( time puasa la paling best, buka puasa sesama. sahur sesama. ya allah, sumpah kot rindu :((
to ella safurra, im gonna miss you baby. aku tau aku banyak buat kau sakit hati, buat kau terasa, tapi aku tanak pisah dengan kau. keputusan kau nak benti dari unisel tuh, aku tak halang sbb kau lebih minat course nursing. nnt jangan lupa aku eh ella. aku sayang sangat dekat kau :)
with love,
fiqafiqon :)
fiqafiqon :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
intan desperate girl
well, lemme tell you the truth. intan ni is afro's ex and im totally hate her. cmni jela, dah la buat hal dengan afro long time ago, time tu plak tengah couple dengan i ,and today, dengan tatau malunya pegi message afro. this is so shame of you my dear. dasar la desperate. look, i dont even care how old you are, and i know you're younger than me. and im not afraid to you at all. mess with, you're wrong person dumbass.
holiday yeay (;
parap pap pap pap, im lovin it (:
HAHA, ini la saat2 yang i tunggu for all the sudden. but hey, fyi i dah blah from my hostel and sumpah sedih siallllll :( mase 27 july 08, im remember that i hate for stayed at hostel. for 4 months later, i rase macam tanak balik kl dah :( sumpah rindu my roomate's . rindu kat tangga time hisap rokok, ya allah sumpah rindu.
well, dah nak masuk sem 2 ni, i have my new house, which is in danaumas, 8th floor. atas skali kott. tak gayat plak nyahhh . HAHAHAHA . but this is my housemates :)
well, dah nak masuk sem 2 ni, i have my new house, which is in danaumas, 8th floor. atas skali kott. tak gayat plak nyahhh . HAHAHAHA . but this is my housemates :)
Suppost kena ade 8 orang but, ade kes dengan sorang pengkid tak guna, HAHAHA. i dont give a damn MIKA. well, you're totally loser. i dont even know you ? why should i? hahahaha. lets forget about her. well, im gonna miss 7b do surely i'll do. loves :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
i miss this
i miss those things do. macam nak klua tabole. haihhh. i miss youguys do :). i wish i can see youguys again do. hang out together. laugh together, blablablabla ;DD
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pada hari rabu lepas, di suatu masa bosan dan penuh dengan kekusutan, Fiqa, Mika dan Meea lepak di tangga dorm dan menghisap rokok. sampai satu masa yang sangat la bosan nak mampos, Meea pasang lagu tunjukkan aku from boneca. dah kusut en, nak hilangkan kusut tuh, menggila kejap. mula2 si meea boleh nyanyi terjerit2 bajet feel la en, patu si fiqa plak ikut. tapi pikir suara tak sedap, fiqa dan mika main guitar main petik je en , bajet tau. but atleast mika tau skit2. HAHAHAHA. and kiteorang nyanyi lagu tuh berulang2 kali cam tade perasaan kesian langsung kat budak2 dorm lain. my dorm members are seriously cool, tibatiba budak dorm atas bersuara plak .....
the girl : korang boleh diam skit tak? kiteroang nak study la
Mika : pedulik haaa,
*ini yang klaka, Mika boleh petik guitar tu kuat2 sambil jerit2 . HAHAHAHAHAH*
the girl: Dasar SAMSENG la korang ni.
Mika & fiqa & meea : SAMSENG, SAMSENG SAMSENG SAMSENGGGGGGGG........ ( ahli fiqir punya lagu)
the girl membebel and kiteroang terjerit2 nyanyi lagu tuh. HAHAHAHA. and tak cukup lagi, kiteroang masuk dalam dorm, and mika buat note and lekat dekat tangga dorm dorang. ini mika tulis.
the girl : korang boleh diam skit tak? kiteroang nak study la
Mika : pedulik haaa,
*ini yang klaka, Mika boleh petik guitar tu kuat2 sambil jerit2 . HAHAHAHAHAH*
the girl: Dasar SAMSENG la korang ni.
Mika & fiqa & meea : SAMSENG, SAMSENG SAMSENG SAMSENGGGGGGGG........ ( ahli fiqir punya lagu)
the girl membebel and kiteroang terjerit2 nyanyi lagu tuh. HAHAHAHA. and tak cukup lagi, kiteroang masuk dalam dorm, and mika buat note and lekat dekat tangga dorm dorang. ini mika tulis.
-takyah study, repeat aje sbb kami kan samseng.-
-dorm samseng, credit to dorm atas-
-kalau nak lalu dorm samseng kena bayar duit perlindungan rm10, kalau tak kena hentak dengan guitar agi. yang benar AGI.-
-kalau nak lalu free, kena nyanyi lagu tema kami, -SAMSENG 3X.
-dorm samseng, credit to dorm atas-
-kalau nak lalu dorm samseng kena bayar duit perlindungan rm10, kalau tak kena hentak dengan guitar agi. yang benar AGI.-
-kalau nak lalu free, kena nyanyi lagu tema kami, -SAMSENG 3X.
actually agi tuh was budak india kat dorm kiteroang. dia ni agak kecoh skit sebab kes berebut kipas dengan meea. HAHAHAHA. bulu ketiak tanak kalah banyak kottt ;pp .
-one week ago :|
pejam celik pejam celik en, dah nak dekat 4 bulan i duduk unisel, i mean dorm. belaja kat sana sume dah 4 bulan. yang happynya, memang la nak masuk sem 2, and dapat rumah sewa sendiri, but dorm tuhhh...... byk kot kenangan manis kat situ especially kat tangga dorm. port budak smokers 7B hisap rokok. HAHAHAHA. itula kenangan paling best.
i will take some pictures and give youguys see our dorm okayy :)
second place is bathroom. oh my god, tempat tuh i mandi dengan pet. tak penah tak mandi same. and im happy kot mandi dengan dia. kiteroang tak buat pape okay, it just we have fun, we joget together, gosok gigi sesama, sume la. mesti keriau je. HAHAHAHA.
well, third is my place which is sebelah meea je. hihihi. situla port budak2 art and design buat assignment. BUT HEY, NOW WE HAVE NO ASSIGNMENT OKAYY. hahahaha. Dok melepet je main guitar sume. and im gonna miss 7b dorm kot :(
well, third is my place which is sebelah meea je. hihihi. situla port budak2 art and design buat assignment. BUT HEY, NOW WE HAVE NO ASSIGNMENT OKAYY. hahahaha. Dok melepet je main guitar sume. and im gonna miss 7b dorm kot :(
miserable again
well, basically i have no time to prepare my final exam and seriously it burden me. and last monday, ive got the news that my dad is in hospital because of tekak berjangkit something i dont know la. aduhaii. i cant stop crying. keep keep keep crying. im worried about my dad, and last tuesday, i cant answer my test ( basic computer) at all. fucker do lecturer tuh.
i know its hard, but hey like meea, pet, bie,xera,mika, wok and jimmy said, everythings gonna be alright. thanks to them for give me full of support. yesterday after visual communication's class, i went to hospital with afrokid * i love you baby*, and wow you know what,
i know its hard, but hey like meea, pet, bie,xera,mika, wok and jimmy said, everythings gonna be alright. thanks to them for give me full of support. yesterday after visual communication's class, i went to hospital with afrokid * i love you baby*, and wow you know what,
bapak aku dirawat dkt hospital COLUMBIA ASIA.
gila la bapak aku duduk lima bintang. caya laa beb. HAHAHA. i pegi sana with afrokid, and my niece was there also with my brother and my mum. he's fine now but today he'll operate, like oh my god i takut gila kot. supposed to pegi that AWESOME HOSPITAL again, but kat rumah plak tade air. so im not be able to go there . sorry papa. i love you so much okayy ;D
Saturday, November 8, 2008
i hate you so much, BESTFRIEND
well, kejap je kau berubah and aku tak sangka la pulak sampai camtuh sekali en kau jadi cmni, orang dah hot dah besar en, kawan dengan aku pun ape dapat. hmm, well i dont even care and sket pun tak terasa pasal ape yang kau dah buat dekat aku, and you know what, aku ada lagi kawan yang betul2 paham aku and betul2 buat aku happy. kau sekadar untuk cari aku time bosan and aku dilupakan. aku rasa kau sendiri tatau ape itu erti kawan sebab ape yeah, sebab yang baru yang kau puja gila babi selama ni menjadi 1# kau. sikit aku tak heran. for your information, aku takkan maafkan ape yang kau dah buat kat aku selama ni and aku harap ape keputusan kau, semuanya betul sebab aku tanak kau menyesal satu hari nanti.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
gallery shah alam
hari ni class drawing encik johan bukan dekat bilik lagi, we went to gallery shah alam , to draw some view with 1 or 2 perspective. so its such so hard, but i love my drawing. seriously, i have fun with my DP04 classmates. hihi ;D i'll uplod some pictures, i have to go now ;) toodles
Sunday, November 2, 2008
im back baby :)
this is my social life. stick with my boyfriend. stick with unisel. stick with friends but some friends are freakin me out. so lets update from now. but first of all, i want to apology about not update my blog.
lets start.....
best of luck for youguys. lemme list down them ;-
lets start.....
best of luck for youguys. lemme list down them ;-
virginie laurency
frezailah atilia
i cant remember :(
frezailah atilia
i cant remember :(
i know youguys have prepare for this. i will always pray for youguys and please be confident. youguys have 9 days left. so use the time wisely. i will see you after spm okay. welcome to my club peoples :)
second thing is,
please pray hard for my final exam and final project aswell. this is my first time taking "university" exam and yes, im a bit nervous. please pray hard for me.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
kepada all the reader, i am sorry, i might be not able to update my blog all the day. like seriously, i have alot works to do. i might be update my blog when im free. just keep update my page, and you'll see. now, i am busy with basic of computer assignment, drawing assignment, pengajian islam assignment, history of photography assignment, and visual communication final project.
plus, on november, i will face my DAMN FINAL EXAM. whattttevahhhh nyahhh :) aku suka jadi begini. i am? :| studying is most the hard stuff to do. but hey, i've promise my parents, my afrokid and my friends, to study hard, and like my sister said,
plus, on november, i will face my DAMN FINAL EXAM. whattttevahhhh nyahhh :) aku suka jadi begini. i am? :| studying is most the hard stuff to do. but hey, i've promise my parents, my afrokid and my friends, to study hard, and like my sister said,
actually, what is my sister said was right. no giving up, no stress here and there, no play around, no ni no tu no ni no tu. just whateverr mannnn,
im out (:
fiqafiqon *love*
fiqafiqon *love*
nothing to display.
well, tak perlu lah fiqa nak beremosi lebih, for this new entry, lets start a new hot story :) actually nothing hot story pun. bosan plak arini. Plan klua today pun agak best la, jumpa rakan rakan. haih, tade cite la dol. pape jela. my life is changed anyways. bertekad menjadi perempuan kuat seperti mama, tidak dipijak oleh lelaki. mana mana laki. samada sudah lama kenal ataupun tidak, sesungguhnya diri fiqa, keputusan fiqa. kalau lelaki boleh sakitkan hati fiqa, kenapa fiqa tabole ? perlu fiqa sanggup sakit hati untuk kebahagiaan orang lain, dan akhirnyaa dibalas palat jugak? perlu ? sumpah dah tak sanggup nak trima suma ni, after dugaan(s) yang banyak fiqa blaja. i am strong. ...........................
*sumpah tade motif. but i mean it :|
that really hurt
My first anniversarry, was a miserable day. i dont know why God always be unfair with me =( Im just get informed that last wednesday 'HE' with his sister and EX GIRLFRIEND was hanging out TOGETHER. one car, seat side by side, and they might be do something. well, anything can happen. HIS EX GIRLFRIEND kot ! When i asked his EX GIRLFRIEND and she said NO.( actually i knew his ex).Bukti dah ade do, and someone just informed me. WHATTHEFUCKISGOINGON ?
Listen carefully for the bekenaan(s), Hello ! i dont care if you want turn back with thay girl, and The girl who knews as his ex, AMBIL LA DIA KALAU BERANI. DIPERSILAKAN =)
Listen carefully for the bekenaan(s), Hello ! i dont care if you want turn back with thay girl, and The girl who knews as his ex, AMBIL LA DIA KALAU BERANI. DIPERSILAKAN =)
11 october 2008 :)
well, Happpy birthday mohd azeem@ afrokid.
nothing to give you just wanted to say, may god bless you and be safe forever.
selamat hari raya aidilfitri.
i might be remember your last year birthday, i am the first person who wish to you
i might be remember, i gave you a kiss, when my brother is not around.
i might be remember when, i gave you a TOPSHOP shirt, but you said that just can use for kain buruk. i dont mind actuallly. but i did :|
for this 2008 birthday, is our first year anniversarry, so
Happy 1st year anniversarry :)
nothing to give you just wanted to say, may god bless you and be safe forever.
selamat hari raya aidilfitri.
i might be remember your last year birthday, i am the first person who wish to you
i might be remember, i gave you a kiss, when my brother is not around.
i might be remember when, i gave you a TOPSHOP shirt, but you said that just can use for kain buruk. i dont mind actuallly. but i did :|
for this 2008 birthday, is our first year anniversarry, so
Happy 1st year anniversarry :)
Friday, October 10, 2008
back on track
he desrves get second chances from me. its hard for me to forget him. serious i love him like eveything. please dont blame on me, this is my decision. yes, i admit this is the right way to face. i sayang dia sgtsgt
Sunday, September 28, 2008
jiwa kacau
lepas satu masalah, timbul lagi satu which is my mum in hospital right now because of apendiks ;( ini ke dugaan korang? apepun, mama is way important. very important. i love you maa, please get well soon. i miss you at home. i miss every single thing about you. totally i miss that.
next, its about ex boyfriend. hmphhh, basically, i cant lie to myself tell that im not miss him. serious i miss him. but please, from now, i dont think i could have somebody in my life. all the boys are break my heart. like seriously, apa salah aku? please, you throw me, dont turn back and begging anything from me. you hurt me, totally.
next, its about ex boyfriend. hmphhh, basically, i cant lie to myself tell that im not miss him. serious i miss him. but please, from now, i dont think i could have somebody in my life. all the boys are break my heart. like seriously, apa salah aku? please, you throw me, dont turn back and begging anything from me. you hurt me, totally.
hidup aku semakin kusut. tolong jangan kusutkan lagi keadaan,
Friday, September 26, 2008
am i lie to myself ?
I couldn't give a damn what you said to me, I don't really care what you think of me, Cause either way you're gonig to think what you believe ,There's nothing you can say that would hurt me
I'm better off without you anyway, I thought it might be hard but I'm ok, I don't need you if you're going to be that way, Cause with me it's all or nothing
I'm sick of this shit, please don't deny, You're a waste of time, I'm sick of this shit, don't ask why, I hate you now, so go away from me You're gone, so long
I'm better off without you anyway, I thought it might be hard but I'm ok, I don't need you if you're going to be that way, Cause with me it's all or nothing
I'm sick of this shit, please don't deny, You're a waste of time, I'm sick of this shit, don't ask why, I hate you now, so go away from me You're gone, so long
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Lagi dan Lagi
sorry for what i've done to you
for you its over ,
but for me its not over ,
i still love you, but you ?
all our memories , happiness and loneliness
tears, smiles , cry , laugh .
i miss you alot ,
as i've said its not over
for me past is past
but you're make me dissapointed
i've cried for you
i've laughed for you
i've changed , just because of you .
now im alone, just because of you
im alone without you ,
if i die today , what will you do ?
come after ? or just pretend not affected
i love you after you love me
i wish im a grass ,
so i can cut myself
you're important to me ,
i dont know if i'll be okay ,
you traded everything just for me
i never realized that
iloveyou , ihateyou
my only wish for now
to be with you , this summer had been m
my worst nightmare
with this life of mine
everything had change
you removed my worries ,
now, i've throwned my dream
since i've done this
im lonely for a long time,
my sunshine become my night
my happiness becomes a crap
plenty lies
you not here ,
im alone waiting
for you to come back
i know you can tell me , iloveyou
i know you can feel it too
but please dont leave me here because you know iloveyou
rindu lagi
i hope you can forgive for what i've done to hurt you .i dont know what i do without you , i love you .we've had so much together , i dont know why i blew it .the expressions in our faces, showed me that we're meant to be..now i just wake up and look foward to absolutely nothing , maybe its just me .i miss the fact that we could laugh about the dumbest things over .i miss those times, when people thought we were weird, because of the things we did .but we we're just different . i miss your gentle , kisses on my cheeks , im miss arguing about who loves who more .but most of all, i miss you were by my side.it SUCKS TO BE ALONE AGAIN, especially cause i had something so special .since to be first day i had the honor to lay eyes on you , i knew you were the one , my mistake was not realizing what i've worked so hard to get , you keep killing me that now you are gonna live happy without me , but let me tell you something , i know i can make you the happiest boy in this world, cause i have before ,i can sit here and i can apoligize so many times to you , and you know i will ,but its all up to you , just know that i will never give up on you , cause i love you to much to just let you go like this. i wont let that vision that i saw when first kissed you as my boyfriend, be lost .i'll make it come true somehow , i know its only been a couple of hours since you told it was over ,but it seems an eternity to me , you are the sweetest boy i have ever loved and probably the one that i've love you so much .and i dont understand why i could do so much to you , but i know i never meant all this to happen . believe me , if we can get through this , we can get through anything the world has to offer ,im trying to say that im sorry for everything i've done to hurt you , i hope i can still make it better , and that i will never forget you no matter what happens .I LOVE YOU ALWAYS
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Miserable life
today, 24 sept 08 my life is changing with new life. Which is, i have no boyfriend, my life is so clumsy, i have no life partner because things are happened *i did post last entry* Infront of my friends and fellow peoples, i've laugh, i did smile, but deep of my heart i cant face the fct that i've lost afrokid. Youguys know why? *and again please read my last entry*
*alaa, fiqaa ni orang dah tanak. dia dah buang fiqa kot jejauh.............. *
*ape motif?* ..............
*ape motif?* ..............
movinggg onn....
what did i do till he left me? Just because i've changed my attitude? i dont think so. i didnt flirt with other guys. apa salah aku? what did i do?But now, i tried to face the fact even this is so tough, so difficult to live without the person that i love. Everyone said "you have to move on, he dumped you" but seriously, i cant ;( it takes time perhaps. But swear to God this is so tough mann ..
Please people, i do love him untill nowdays eventhough he did this to me. i dont deserve to have him, he deserve have another girl way better than me. Let me tell you somethin, i respect whatever his decision, but i cant accept the fact. People, i love him untill the last breath. thats my promise. but whyyy !!? No matter what happen, even he already have new ones, i wish his happiness.whoever they are, please take a good care of afrokid.He is such a good person, he is a wonderful person.He's the best among the best.Please love him with all of your heart. Pleaseeee....
what did i do till he left me? Just because i've changed my attitude? i dont think so. i didnt flirt with other guys. apa salah aku? what did i do?But now, i tried to face the fact even this is so tough, so difficult to live without the person that i love. Everyone said "you have to move on, he dumped you" but seriously, i cant ;( it takes time perhaps. But swear to God this is so tough mann ..
Please people, i do love him untill nowdays eventhough he did this to me. i dont deserve to have him, he deserve have another girl way better than me. Let me tell you somethin, i respect whatever his decision, but i cant accept the fact. People, i love him untill the last breath. thats my promise. but whyyy !!? No matter what happen, even he already have new ones, i wish his happiness.whoever they are, please take a good care of afrokid.He is such a good person, he is a wonderful person.He's the best among the best.Please love him with all of your heart. Pleaseeee....
Everything is nothing without you,
i will wait for you forever just to see you smile,
Because it is true, i have nothing without you.
through it all, i made my mistake i stumble and fall, but i mean these words
i wish i wont let you go.
takkan lagi aku menunggu, kau hadir didalam mimpi2ku,
puasku mengharapkan dirimu,seperti mereka yang punya cinta,
diriku tanpa dirimu, kau tempuhi penuh bahagia,
Diriku mahu kau tahu, pergi tinggal tak terasa
Warkahku mengharapkan dirimu, seperti yang aku kenali dulu,
setiapku menantikan dirimu, seperti setianya terhadap diriku,
tapiku melepaskanmu, melangkah namun tak berdaya,
terusku menunggu cinta yang takkan pernah ada.
Kasihh... maafkan aku, tiada inginku melukaimu dan kini kau tinggalkan aku,
hanya dalam hatiku, ku ungkap semua penyesalanku,
kini ku ingin disisimu, bilaku masuh dihatimu,
simpan cintaku, kembalilah untukku, ku ingin selalu disisimu,
maafkanlah akuu... kasih
i will wait for you forever just to see you smile,
Because it is true, i have nothing without you.
through it all, i made my mistake i stumble and fall, but i mean these words
i wish i wont let you go.
takkan lagi aku menunggu, kau hadir didalam mimpi2ku,
puasku mengharapkan dirimu,seperti mereka yang punya cinta,
diriku tanpa dirimu, kau tempuhi penuh bahagia,
Diriku mahu kau tahu, pergi tinggal tak terasa
Warkahku mengharapkan dirimu, seperti yang aku kenali dulu,
setiapku menantikan dirimu, seperti setianya terhadap diriku,
tapiku melepaskanmu, melangkah namun tak berdaya,
terusku menunggu cinta yang takkan pernah ada.
Kasihh... maafkan aku, tiada inginku melukaimu dan kini kau tinggalkan aku,
hanya dalam hatiku, ku ungkap semua penyesalanku,
kini ku ingin disisimu, bilaku masuh dihatimu,
simpan cintaku, kembalilah untukku, ku ingin selalu disisimu,
maafkanlah akuu... kasih
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