Sunday, October 12, 2008

that really hurt

My first anniversarry, was a miserable day. i dont know why God always be unfair with me =( Im just get informed that last wednesday 'HE' with his sister and EX GIRLFRIEND was hanging out TOGETHER. one car, seat side by side, and they might be do something. well, anything can happen. HIS EX GIRLFRIEND kot ! When i asked his EX GIRLFRIEND and she said NO.( actually i knew his ex).Bukti dah ade do, and someone just informed me. WHATTHEFUCKISGOINGON ?

Listen carefully for the bekenaan(s), Hello ! i dont care if you want turn back with thay girl, and The girl who knews as his ex, AMBIL LA DIA KALAU BERANI. DIPERSILAKAN =)


1 comment:

Syhra Sepeai said...

wah seriously sgt hurt okay. pity u :(