Thursday, September 25, 2008

rindu lagi

i hope you can forgive for what i've done to hurt you .i dont know what i do without you , i love you .we've had so much together , i dont know why i blew it .the expressions in our faces, showed me that we're meant to i just wake up and look foward to absolutely nothing , maybe its just me .i miss the fact that we could laugh about the dumbest things over .i miss those times, when people thought we were weird, because of the things we did .but we we're just different . i miss your gentle , kisses on my cheeks , im miss arguing about who loves who more .but most of all, i miss you were by my SUCKS TO BE ALONE AGAIN, especially cause i had something so special .since to be first day i had the honor to lay eyes on you , i knew you were the one , my mistake was not realizing what i've worked so hard to get , you keep killing me that now you are gonna live happy without me , but let me tell you something , i know i can make you the happiest boy in this world, cause i have before ,i can sit here and i can apoligize so many times to you , and you know i will ,but its all up to you , just know that i will never give up on you , cause i love you to much to just let you go like this. i wont let that vision that i saw when first kissed you as my boyfriend, be lost .i'll make it come true somehow , i know its only been a couple of hours since you told it was over ,but it seems an eternity to me , you are the sweetest boy i have ever loved and probably the one that i've love you so much .and i dont understand why i could do so much to you , but i know i never meant all this to happen . believe me , if we can get through this , we can get through anything the world has to offer ,im trying to say that im sorry for everything i've done to hurt you , i hope i can still make it better , and that i will never forget you no matter what happens .I LOVE YOU ALWAYS

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