Sunday, September 28, 2008

jiwa kacau

lepas satu masalah, timbul lagi satu which is my mum in hospital right now because of apendiks ;( ini ke dugaan korang? apepun, mama is way important. very important. i love you maa, please get well soon. i miss you at home. i miss every single thing about you. totally i miss that.

next, its about ex boyfriend. hmphhh, basically, i cant lie to myself tell that im not miss him. serious i miss him. but please, from now, i dont think i could have somebody in my life. all the boys are break my heart. like seriously, apa salah aku? please, you throw me, dont turn back and begging anything from me. you hurt me, totally.

hidup aku semakin kusut. tolong jangan kusutkan lagi keadaan,

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